Singing Guide: Covenant Worship

Singing Guide: Covenant Worship

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Covenant Worship is an American musical group and worship band, which originated from Covenant Church of Carrollton, Texas. Produced by Israel Houghton, they have more than ten albums released since 2008 with awe-inspiring worship songs that have lifted the hearts of worshipers globally. Songs like "All Honor," "Covenant Worship," and "Kingdom Come" showcase the band's unique vocal technique and musical instruments.
To learn how to sing like Covenant Worship, one needs to hone several crucial components of singing. Firstly, the singer should analyze their voice to find their vocal range through Singing Carrot's Vocal range test. Once the vocal range is identified, finding songs that match the vocalist's range can be easily done by using the Song search feature by vocal range.
Covenant Worship often uses contemporary vocal techniques like Modal Voice, Belting, and Vibrato, which can be learned through the Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game that feature Techniques like Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting. Singers can also practice with Covenant Worship Growling Exercise available on Singing Carrot's Skill-Related Videos.
Good breathing techniques are vital in performing like Covenant Worship. The singers are known to sing by opening their mouth and throat correctly, and they have excellent breath support, which can be learned through Singing Carrot's Breathing basics and Breath support articles. Singers can also use the Farinelli Breathing exercise in the warm-up/practice-starter video.
In addition to excellent breathing, Covenant Worship uses articulation, which can be achieved through Singing Carrot's Articulation and Finger Bite articles. The band uses chest voice and voice registers effectively, which can be mastered through Singing Carrot's Chest Voice Explained and Voice Registers & Vocal Break articles alongside accompanying singing exercises that use Chest voice, Voice Registers, Mixed Voice, and Voice Break.
Lastly, to put on a great performance like Covenant Worship, singers must learn to control their emotions and overcome stage fright, which has been comprehensively covered in Singing Carrot's Tips for performing on stage, Relaxing Breath, and How to overcome stage fright articles.
In conclusion, to learn to sing like Covenant Worship, a thorough understanding of vocal range and proper breathing techniques is essential. Learners should also master the use of vocal techniques such as Modal Voice, Belting, Vibrato, Articulation, Chest Voice, Voice Register, and Voice Break through Singing Carrot's resources. By following the practical advice and guidelines outlined above and using Singing Carrot's vast library, one can become an excellent singer, just like Covenant Worship.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.